找好久終於讓我找到超想買的[106美國直購] mifold 816445020004 粉紅色 Grab-and-Go Car Booster Seat 輕便型 成長型安全座墊
More than 10x smaller than a regular booster seat and just as safe
The most advanced, compact, and portable booster seat ever invented designed for kids aged 4 and up, 40 to 100 lbs, and 40 to 57 inches tall
While mifold is excellent for every day use, it is designed as a brilliant child restraint seat for occasions when a traditional booster is not available or practical
Folds up to fit into達人 a child's backpack, glove compartment or bag
Product Description
mifold Grab-and-Go booster seat is the most advanced, compact, and portable booster seat ever invented. mifold is more than 10x smaller than a regular child’s car booster seat and it’s just as safe.
mifold has been regularly crash tested successfully in certified facilities around the world and 評價meets or exceed the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard: FMVSS 213 as defined by NHTSA (the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
The simple fact is that today, in one in five journeys, children do not have a car seat: in carpools, with grandparents or other relatives, in taxis, on vacations, in rental cars, with three-in-a-row and so on. And this does not include bigger kids on the border of the regulatory limits, who do not want to appear babyish to friends, who have already outgrown child restraints.
With mifold there is no longer any excuse. With a compact and portable device, a child can easily keep one with them all the time and drivers can keep spares, without cluttering up a car and losing cabin or luggage space.
With mifold, a child can always be safe no matter whose car they are in - and that is the mifold vision!
Product Information
Technical Details
Item Weight:1.7 pounds
Product Dimensions:10 x 1.5 x 4.5 inches
Item model number:MF01-US/PNK
Size:4-12 years old
Color:Perfect Pink
Item Package Quantity:1
Batteries Included?:No
Batteries Required?:No
Additional Information
[106美國直購] mifold 816445020004 粉紅色 Grab-and-Go Car Booster Seat 輕便型 成長型安全座墊 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
台灣人近年來瘋抹茶口味商品,除了甜點之外,抹茶湯圓、抹茶飲品、抹茶洋芋片也狂銷,Mister Donut抹茶甜甜圈系列今年打團體戰,推出4大種類共11種甜甜圈選擇,滿足抹茶控的味蕾;Krispy Kreme則是針對母親節推出抹茶口味甜甜圈,搭配一朵造型可愛的小紅花,也順勢搭上抹茶季話題。
搶攻抹茶季商機,Mister Donut抹茶甜甜圈系列今年打團體戰,以全新日本季搶攻話題,其中抹茶甜甜圈橫跨波堤、法蘭奇、歐菲香及Donut Pop等4大種類,共有11種選擇及抹茶歐蕾,創下歷年來品項最多,原料選用日本鹿耳島抹茶粉,以不同比例融入各種圈體,再配上巧克力沾醬、卡士達內優惠專區餡等,創造多層次口感。
Mister Donut表示,他們自2007年起以日式風味抹茶主題概念,10年來變化出30多種不同的抹茶商品,從甜甜圈到飲品、瑪芬、派、糰子等不同種類,以期間限定的方式推出,累計至今共吸引超過360萬人次購買,未來也將持續開發不同產地的抹茶新商品,滿足消費者挑剔的味蕾。
至於美式甜甜圈品牌Krispy Kreme則是鎖定母親節,即日起到5月14日推出母親節期間限量款的甜甜圈新品,選用消費者喜愛的抹茶口味甜甜圈,搭配一朵造型可愛的小紅花,萬綠叢中一點紅,就像是送一朵花給媽媽,搶攻母親節商機之餘也搭上抹茶季話題。
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